Archive for January, 2009

The Village

Wednesday, January 21st, 2009

While picking Grace up from pre-school I’ve been trying to remember to snap some shots of her and her friends playing.  I managed to get a few the other day.  Grace has a couple of buddies she likes to play with in her class.  One of the rooms the kids get to spend time in is called The […]

The Grace Cam

Tuesday, January 20th, 2009

For her 3rd birthday, Mommy and Daddy gave Gracie her very own pink digital camera.  It’s a sturdy camera that is supposed to be kid proof and waterproof.  I’ve gathered a few of Grace’s first photos with the camera.  After some instruction from Daddy, Grace got the hang of it.  I love to see her point of view.  Her […]

Little Mommy

Monday, January 5th, 2009

Ever since I started Cole on rice cereal Grace has been really interested in feeding her baby.  She even loves to talk to her baby.  Here she is saying “more baby, more food?” Unfortunately, she still thinks she can fit into her baby’s stroller. 

Dear Santa,

Thursday, January 1st, 2009

Dear Santa, Thank you so much for a wonderful Christmas.  December is my favorite month.  My mommy let me decorate the tree.  I love to hang all the ornaments on one tree branch. I also got to help Mommy make our stockings by writing our names on them with glitter and hanging them on the […]

Birthday Girl

Thursday, January 1st, 2009

Guess who turned 3 this past December 21st? Grace, that’s who!  We celebrated it by having a small party for her.  She decided that this year she wanted a princess party but specifically, an Ariel princess party.  So an Ariel princess party she got. She had an Ariel cake.  Notice the smudged “e” in Grace.  […]