Archive for June, 2009
Strike a Pose
Friday, June 26th, 2009Grace is 3 going on 13. Whenever I try to take a picture of her she instantly strikes the same pose. Hands on the hip, lean to the side, tilt head, and smile. What the heck? Who taught her this sassy pose? It sure wasn’t me. Silly girl. Here I told her that she needed to […]
Kid Birthday = Jolly Jumper
Wednesday, June 24th, 2009Grace was looking forward to her cousin Emily and Madeline’s birthday party for quite some time. She kept saying how much fun she was going to have swimming in Emily’s pool. But unfortunately, due to the weather, there was no pool this time. But that didn’t stop those crazy girls from having fun. Can you […]
My Family
Friday, June 5th, 2009Hello. My name is Grace and this is my family. Daddy was so kind to get me started and drew a picture of me. Next to me is Daddy. Daddy has crazy hair. This is my Mommy. She has long pretty hair. This is my bubba Cole. He’s so little and cute. He doesn’t have […]
Wednesday, June 3rd, 2009Who’s here? Oh no! How did they know I would be here?! I just got off a 10 hour flight and I look like crap. Don’t look at me. Quick, where’s my sunglasses? OK, that’s better. You paparazzi will stop at nothing! Being a diva is hard work but somebody has to do it.